
[frame style=”modern” image_path=”” description=”” link_to_page=”” target=”” float=”” lightbox=”” lightbox_group=”” size=”banner_regular”][h4]FUN DIVING[/h4]

This is for already certified divers who can proof in a log book that you have dived within one year. If it was longer then one year since you last went diving please consider to do a Scuba Tune-up to refresh your skills. This will benefit your future diving and your confident.

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[button url=”” color=”color” customcolor=”#e05c04″ iconcolor=”white” icon=”icon-glass” target=”_top” custom_class=”” ]-BOOK NOW-[/button]

[frame style=”modern” image_path=”” description=”” link_to_page=”” target=”” float=”” lightbox=”” lightbox_group=”” size=”banner_regular”]

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[button url=”” color=”color” customcolor=”#e05c04″ iconcolor=”white” icon=”icon-glass” target=”_top” custom_class=”” ]-BOOK NOW-[/button]