Frequently Asked Questions

Aliquam posuere erat et orci eleifend cursus. Nullam tempus odio sem, lacinia pellentesque neque mollis a. In ut tempor ligula. Vestibulum ultricies bibendum lorem, a sollicitudin tellus euismod vel. Nam suscipit, diam ut volutpat lobortis, nibh ipsum tempor nibh, a vehicula tellus justo id nibh. Nulla pretium mollis convallis. Phasellus a nibh aliquet, ullamcorper quam aliquam, faucibus nulla. Phasellus mollis tristique vehicula. Vivamus sagittis, sem sed posuere aliquet, massa odio lobortis.


[accordionwrap][accordion title=”Whats todays wifi password?” ]Perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam. Donec ut volutpat metus. Vivamus justo arcu, elementum a sollicitudin pellentesque, tincidunt ac enim. Proin id arcu ut ipsum vestibulum elementum.[/accordion][accordion title=”What time is checkout?” ]10:30[/accordion][accordion title=”How many days does it take to do an Open Water course?” ]The Open Water course is scheduled over 3 days between 9.00 and 16.00, the times are flexible and there will be time for a lunch break. You will start with watching training videos then go through some theory. You will practice in the pool first, learn how to get rid of water from your mask and mouth, how to use the equipment, emergency situations and how to control your balance under water. All in all there are 4 dives out in the open water to a maximum depth of 18 meters.

The certification is valid for life all around the world.
[/accordion][accordion title=”Can I start the course the same day I arrive?” ]The Open Water course starts at 9am every morning, if you arrive later than that an option is to start at 12pm and then do some theory in the evening instead. For the advanced course, no problem you can start with the afternoon dive but then your course will be spread out over 3 days.[/accordion][accordion title=”What kind of dive/accommodation packages do you offer?” ][/accordion][accordion title=”Can you pick me up/drop me off in Lombok?” ]No[/accordion][accordion title=”Is accommodation included in the course?” ]No[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Are all meals included in the price?” ]No meals are included in the price but you will have time to go for a lunchbreak.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”When do I need to do a refresher?” ]When you haven´t been diving for more than a year or if you feel like you don´t remember how to setup your equipment, how to use the equipment under water, how to paln your dives and how to control your buoyancy.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”How long time does a Discover Scuba Diving experience take?” ]The discover scuba diving experience is a half day course where we start at 12.00 with showing you the equipment, then we practice the basics in the pool such as what to do if you get water in your mask or mouth and some emergency situations and balance. Then you will go on the boat and dive with your instructor to a maximum depth of 12m. This is not a certification.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Can I get a discount?” ]If you do more than 5 fundives you can get 10% discount. If you have your own equipment including BCD and regulator you can get 15% off.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Whats the next step after the Advanced course?” ]Either you can start doing specialties. The most popular specialties around here is Deep 40m and Nitrox. Another option is to do your Rescue certification and practice how to deal with problems both under water and on land.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”How long time does it take to do the Divemaster course?” ]The Divemaster course normally takes around 5 weeks. You can do it in shorter time if you need to depending on previous experience, or longer time if you want to relax and party a lot too. Up to you. You have to be a rescue diver to start and it´s also recommended to have 40 dives, if not we will solve that problem. Before you finish the course you will have at least 60 logged dives but most of our trainees have more than a hundred by that time.

The course consists of many different missions you need to complete. Everything from assisting on courses, learn how the whole system works and how to help divers, to dive theory, swim tests, learning how to guide and do briefings and much more.

[accordion title=”What do I need to bring on the boat?” ]Nothing besides a big smile and your diving equipment.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”How warm is the water?” ]The average water temperature is 28-29°C. It´s enough with shorts and a rash guard or a 3mm short wetsuit.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”How many dives can I do in one day?” ]Usually we do 2 dives per day and in high season 3. We also offer night dives upon request.
The morning dive leaves at 8.30 or 9.00 depending on the dive site and the afternoon dive leaves at 14.00. We come back around 16.00. We also do an 11 am dive on most days upon request.

[accordion title=”When is low/high season?” ]The season runs all year around however the peak season is July to October.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”What do you typically see on a dive?” ]The top aquatic life usually spotted on most divesites are; Turtles, moray eels, triggerfish, angelfish, butterfly fish, lionfish, snapper, sweetlips, bannerfish, pufferfish and much more. We also see sharks, rays, octopus, cuttlefish, and a lot of really cool nudiebranch.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Are there Manta Rays and Whalesharks around the islands?” ]Yes they come around several times a year but we can´t promise you will see them.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”What are the best divesites?” ]All the divesites around the island have amazing reef and marine life. There are plenty of both deep and shallow sites. We choose the divesites daily based upon your level of experience, waves, tides and currents. Gili Trawangan is mostly famous for it´s huge turtle population which can be spotted at all divesites but mainly at Turtle City, Turtle Heaven, Good Heart and Manta Point.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”How far away are the divesites?” ]Not far, all divesites are within 10 minutes by boat from Gili Divers.[/accordion]

[accordion title=”Can I book transport, accommodation and diving with you?” ]Yes, go on to http://gilitourandtravel.com for more information about transport and (WHATEVER LINK YOU WANNA ADD FOR ACCOM)[/accordion]

[accordion title=”What is Gili Eco Trust?” ]Every diver pays 50 000 IDR to the Gili Eco Trust, an organization that organizes all the dive site cleanups, beach cleanups, look after all the rubbish bins on the island and educate the children in the schools. It´s very important to keep this paradise environment clean and this in one way you can help. If you would like to get more involved in our environmental projects on the island please speak to the diving staff. The Gili Eco Tax you only have to pay once and it´s valid for 6 months in all business over the 3 Gili Islands.

For more info please visit www.giliecotrust.com
